
Well life has a way of passing you by, or is that really how it is? Maybe we should say we have a way of letting ourselves slip by life....we take things so for granted...we have faced many different situations since i ever last posted.....we have been through a school on the financial side...we have weathered major surgery on one of our sons, we have married off the firstborn to a lovely young we are facing the impending goodbye to our second son who is off to Africa to begin his two year stint in the misssion where he will be doing humanitarian work....i just read a quote that I am so lucky to have somebody who makes goodbye so hard....b winnie the pooh!! I have gained the knowledge that i have celiac..which opened a whole new chapter in m now we only have one child left getting on the school bus every day, as the second youngest is doing high school at home, there are days i feel like a failure in this going to school business for him as i am not around very mu
Well here i am again...i have been absent far too long..too much catching up to do......this past fall seen the youngest of my four boys try his wings and launch into the school system for good....he has had alot of adjustments but i think maybe he will pull thro . His abundance of energy and his knowledge of "how things shud be done"has gotten in his way at times! We have still not sold our house. Nothing is moving around here, kind of disappointing when we would love to build our new house, but once again we must sit back and be contented for that which we have, and who can complain of anything as we watch the devastation in the land of Haiti..what alot of poor underprivileged people. my heart goes out to them. Our winter has been fairly uneventful, back to the fall "LITERALLY THE FALL" our second oldest broke his elbow AGAIN only the third time for that one...biking at COP in Calgary,(the former 88 Olympic grounds) so school was off to a grand start for hi

Architect Time

Oh wow that's quite the feeling, to first of all go meet with the architect, the one who is trying to get a reading on our life, the way WE do things and put it all together in a new house, something that will function around our lifestyle, a typical ?? Mennonite home? A house with 4 boys who r loud and full of energy, give them space and yet have a spot we can entertain and everybody can feel a small space of peace? And then to hand over the precious binder with the photos, ideas, floor plan i drew and say here it is go with it!!! oh the agony of the 3-4 week wait when he said it would be about 2...i finally get the nerve to email and just let them know my curiosity is nearly getting the best of me!!! A REPLY (could insert expl .) won't tho!! he said maybe he'd have something by Thurs .. YIPPEE !!!! well turned out to be the next Mon . i literally had to put it out of my mind so i could sleep...anyhow we got there and yes it looked awesome only to find out we were

Spring has Sprung

Here we are its spring again and i am so enthused...besides i am now the proud aunt of a little niece Lauren Kate born on May 3...we have ONLY 9 boys in the family so you can imagine how excited we are!!! For Mothers day, well a few days after my youngest K. and I flew to Winnipeg and drove out to their house to see her and help care for them.. my mom came too. Was a fun time!! Other then when we got to Wpg . Weds. am at 9:20 there were no rental cars to be had so from now on book a car when u travel!!!! Came home to a moderately controlled environment , my boys informed the dishwasher knew how to grow mold.... umm should we start the thing? its not automatic u know!!! Oh well i think they did as good a job with keeping the house together as i do when we are all long wknd i spent with the flu bug not impressed but anyhow we seem to be better, now if everyone else can stay healthy....

Renos nearly complete

Can you believe it? we actually got rid of the renovator...i'm nearly in so much of the finishing touches are up to me, the trim painting has begun thanks to a dear friend who is going to relieve me of some of it....i got the staining of the backsplash wood done tonight now i need to put a clear coat baby turns 5 tom. and this feeble old mom has no present for him...i said maybe he could shop with his dad on the weekend...he thot that was cool...
Well how is everyone? Hubby and i had a 3 day stint to the big city of Vancouver again....a waste expo...and seminar..i shopped and just relaxed which was good cuz i had a cold...kinda felt yucky. Anyhow shop in Holt Renfrew and looked in at Harry Rosen for DaVon...ummm how do people actually afford these things? Not sure!! I'm happy with my bargains.. the boys stayed home with Jennifer and are wondering when we will go again, as they had so much that is good to have a cheery babysitter! We have been stressing ourselves out on renovating the house....nearly done would you say? well the kitchen floor is finished and that caused the greatest stress but essentially it is nearly how i anticipated it...minus a little distressing that got ground off in our many applications of sanding..some very armature...(which resulted in the dust i mean laying on every imaginable piece of anything in the house all our clothes inside the closets included) so need less to say no suits for DaVo

Christina Lake............

Yes it is nearly over...we took an extended camping trip to Christina Lake at hte end of August. I'm still surprised that we actually took the time to go but i think i can safely say my hubby is hooked on family time away from home... (i must remember he reads this too!!) We were there for 1 week with Sid's and Ron's what a blast, biking swimming boating and just existing....we took our turns with cooking and what fun that was, cedar planked salmon,Jamacia mistake chicken breast,pork loin, ahhh, the neighbours kept coming over to see what we had cooking this night!!! We took a 30 km bike ride from the top of the mountain near Eholt, it was 4% grade down, K. actually managed 15 km of it not without much coaxing but he did it, the highlight was to walk to Kool Treats in the eve. for icecream, so good for the waist line eh!! we encountered a huge bear near there 2 dif. nights, K, also spotted one on a bike ride him & D. took and also on the shore when they were in the boa